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Research of Highly Qualified Skydivers Technical Readiness in Jumps on Individual Acrobatics
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-23
Abstract: The article describes a step-by-step development of a model that allows us to study the technical readiness of parachutists when performing jumps on individual acrobatics. Using various methods, the authors identified the main criteria and developed coefficients for evaluating the level of performance of individual technical elements of individual acrobatic jumps. The results was successful testing of the model on skydiving athletes are presented, which allowed us to determine the strengths and weaknesses of technical skill, to outline the development zones during jumps. The problem of increasing the level of technical preparedness of athletes, bringing rational movement techniques to perfection is complicated by the lack of developed models of technical preparedness of highly qualified paratroopers. Without such models, it is impossible to conduct an objective assessment of the level of technical preparedness, which means that it is impossible to identify zones of growth and development of a paratrooper. The purpose of the article is to develop a model of technical preparedness, on the basis of which you can study the level of technical skill of highly qualified sportsmen-parachutists when they jump on personal acrobatics. The results obtained can be used to develop similar models in other areas of parachuting, as well as to assess the skill of athletes both during preparation for competitions and during training.
Key words: Parachuting, individual acrobatics jumps; technical training of skydivers; parachute training; evaluation of technical skills of skydivers.
For citation
Akhmadiev, M. N. Research of Highly Qualified Skydivers Technical Readiness in Jumps on Individual Acrobatics / M. N. Akhmadiev, K. A. Tychkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 180-185. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-23 .