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Coping Strategies and Protective Mechanisms of Personality of Students-Teachers
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-10
Abstract: The article attempts to investigate the relationship of coping strategies and protective mechanisms of the personality of student teachers with different levels of neurotization. It is noted that the presence of effective coping strategies and protective mechanisms of the personality is a condition for successful professional activity of future teachers, as well as somatic and psychological health. The article presents the theoretical and methodological basis of the study, the lack of sophistication and fuzziness of the concepts of psychological defense, neurotization and the state of neurotization, the methods of collecting empirical data are presented. An analysis of the data allowed us to see that more than half of the student teachers have psychosomatic or somatoform diseases against the background of an increased level of mental stress and neurotization. The research made it possible to identify a stable system of psychological defenses and non-adaptive coping strategies among psychology students with a high level of neurotization and substantiate the recommendation for the targeted formation of more mature and adequate adaptation strategies in student teachers of this group.
Key words: Сoping strategies; neurosis; protective mechanisms of personality; stress; distress; adaptation.
For citation
Melnikova, M. L. Coping Strategies and Protective Mechanisms of Personality
of Students-Teachers / M. L. Melnikova, I. V. Сhebykina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 84-98. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-10.