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Possibility and Necessity of Communication of the Mother With His Future Child in the Prenatal Period During Normal and Problem Pregnancy
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-11
Abstract: This article presents questions of the earliest stage of the formation of the child when he is still in the womb. The problem put forward and considered in the framework of scientific material has not been adequately studied in terms of the possibility of providing early comprehensive assistance to children with developmental disabilities. Moreover, this prenatal stage has significant reserves in establishing subtle psychological connections between the unborn baby, but already in the “risk group”, if possible, various deviations in development can occur in the postpartum period. At the beginning of the article, a rather new scientific direction is considered – perinatal psychology, and within it – prenatal (or prenatal) education. The purpose of prenatal education is to help a pregnant mother establish contact with her unborn baby, perceive him as a full-fledged person, a small personality and form a positive attitude to communicate with him. It should be borne in mind that a sufficiently large percentage of mothers bearing a pregnancy are exposed to negative factors of a different nature, which can disrupt the process of embryonic genesis. These aspects lead to a change in the behavior of the mother, decrease, and in some cases inhibition of the emotional background, increased anxiety, self-doubt in leaving a problem child, and psychological rejection of an unborn baby. Many of these factors can lead to perinatal damage to the central nervous system of the child and cause deviations in the formation of various lines of its development. For psychological and pedagogical specialists working with future mothers with a problem pregnancy, it is necessary to know the special attitudes that mothers need to form in such situations, to help accept an unborn child as a small person, who needs her mother who already loves him. In connection with the foregoing, the article describes various technologies of psychological and pedagogical work in such situations and examples of auto-training sessions for expectant mothers. These materials were tested in the structural divisions of Moscow and the Moscow Region as part of the organization of early comprehensive assistance to children in their first years of life and their families.
Key words: Prenatal upbringing; perinatal psychology; early comprehensive care; infant; unborn baby; pregnancy; mother-child communication; communicative behavior; mother-child dyad; intuitive dialogue; developmental disabilities.
For citation
Grigorenko, N. Y. Possibility and Necessity of Communication of the Mother With His Future Child in the Prenatal Period During Normal and Problem Pregnancy / N. Y. Grigorenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 99-105. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-11.