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Self-actualization of Students Personality in Various Areas of Training in the HPE System
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-20
Abstract: The modern development of society and the market relations that are formed in it, requires from a specialist of any profile and direction of training not only a high level of formation of General cultural and professional competencies, development of personal qualities and features that will contribute to success in professional activities, but also the desire to realize their potential, constantly improving themselves at the same time. In this regard, the system of higher professional education has fundamentally new goals and tasks related to the training and education of a specialist of the so-called “new format”. And it is the educational organization that today should create such conditions for each student that will promote their self-knowledge and disclosure, as well as a constant desire for self-learning, self-development and self-actualization. The purpose of the work is to study the self-actualization of the personality of students studying in the Humanities and technical areas during the entire period of study in the HPE system. In the theoretical aspect, various approaches to the study of self-actualization of the individual, including the student, are analyzed. During the research, we used theoretical and empirical methods. In order to identify the features of students’ selfactualization, we used the method of measuring the level of personal self-actualization (CAT), developed by L. Y. Gozman and M. V. Kroz. The analysis of the results shows that by the end of training in the HPE system, students of the Humanities and technical areas of training demonstrate indicators of self-actualization of the individual at different levels. Moreover, the level of self-actualization among students of the faculty of psychology is higher. In our opinion, significant positive changes in the self-actualizing personality of students of the faculty of psychology are the result of a well-organized learning process, as well as the search and finding of an individual approach to each of them. The practical significance of the work is that the results obtained can be used both in the practice of psychological services, and in the educational organization as a whole in the construction of the educational process.
Key words: Higher professional education; student; potential opportunities; career success; self-actualization; self-development.
For citation
Lanskikh, M. V. Self-actualization of Students Personality in Various Areas of Training in the HPE System / M. V. Lanskikh, Y. N. Gut, D. N. Sazonov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 159-165. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-20.