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Formation of Value Attitude to Health at Students in the Process of Spiritual and Moral Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-03-12
Abstract: The article considers the possibilities of forming a value-based attitude to health among students of adolescents by means of spiritual and moral education, the condition of which is their personal resistance to negative dependencies; materials are presented aimed at the implementation of these opportunities, the socio-pedagogical project of the Sverdlovsk region “Be healthy!”. In the context of changing value orientations in modern Russia under the influence of imposing on different consumption priorities, attractive but risky behaviors among students, especially adolescents, there is a deformation of ideas about health and its meaning for life. On this basis, they have various negative dependencies, in particular addictions to psychoactive substances that have a negative effect on health. The main problem is the search for pedagogical conditions for the formation by means of spiritual and moral education of students’ value-based attitude to health and the individual’s resistance to negative dependencies. The relevance of the study is due to the social and personal importance of preserving and developing the health of students, the importance of preventing the occurrence of negative dependencies in them, the need to disclose the conditions for using spiritual and moral education in the formation of a value-based attitude towards health in adolescent students.
Key words: Value attitude; spiritual and moral education; regulatory requirements for the preservation and development of students’ health; sober education; resistance to negative dependencies.
For citation
Bachinin, I. V., Borodina, E. N., Pogorelov, S. T. (2020). Formation of Value Attitude to Health at Students in the Process of Spiritual and Moral Education // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №3. – P. 105-114. DOI 10.26170/po20-03-12.