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Features of Construction Career Course Senior Pupils with Different Self-Esteem
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-20
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of studying the construction of a career route by high school students with different self-esteem. The concept of a career route in comparison with a career is considered. Research the career path of high school students is caused by the fact that the career first of all associated with the young professional and what career route is perceived as the original version of the professional career of a specialist, more typical of older adolescents. In accordance with the relevance for professional self-determination of a high school student, the career route is proposed to be studied using a projective game-a method of author’s development. The main goal of the study is to compare the features of the career route in high school students with high, medium and low self-esteem. The article presents the results of research obtained using quantitative, qualitative and comparative analysis, as well as methods of mathematical data processing. The results of the research presented in the article allow us to see the similarity and difference of building a career route in high school students with different levels of self-esteem. Examples of the results of the projective method are presented. The presented conclusions allow us to determine the similarity of career paths of high school students with high and low self-esteem in terms of low content and pragmatism. The results obtained allow us to form practical recommendations for building a career route for career guidance specialists in educational institutions, taking into account the self-esteem of a high school student. Using the developed diagnostic tools can identify such features of construction of the career route as the prestige of the chosen profession, meaningful, achievable the career route and activities for the successful implementation of career.
Key words: Сareer; career routes; personality self-esteem; prestige of professions; choice of profession; vocational guidance for schoolchildren; vocational guidance; professional self-determination; high school students; conceptual apparatus.
For citation
Usoltseva, V. V. (2020). Features of Construction Career Course Senior Pupils with Different Self-Esteem // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 162-168 . DOI 10.26170/po20-04-20.