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Application of the Model of Joint Use of “Flipped Class” Methods and Case Study
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-10
Abstract: Is it possible to share active teaching methods for high school students like “flipped class” and case studies? The purpose of this study is to create and test in practice a model for the sharing of the teaching methods indicated above. The research was carried out at the University of Synergy and Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUFP) with bachelor students of the “Service” direction. Experimental and control groups participated in the experiment at Synergy University, and at MSUFP, the results of the assimilation of educational material by students were compared using the classical form of education and using a model. The main results of this study are such advantages in using the proposed model of joint application of active teaching methods, as higher scores of students on the final assessment activities, indicating a higher degree of mastery of educational material, increased student motivation for the learning process, measured in class attendance, and simplification the process of assessing the formation of competencies by students, declared in the work programs of the disciplines. The scientific novelty of the results can be considered the practically tested joint application of active teaching methods “flipped classroom” and case studies on the example of teaching bachelor students. The practical and theoretical significance of this research is the developed model of the joint use of active teaching methods with explanations and recommendations for teachers for its application. At the end of the article, conclusions are presented on the possibilities of using the studied model in practice, the advantages and difficulties in its use, and recommendations for more effective implementation of this model in the learning process.
Key words: Active teaching methods; case study; problem-field case; practical case; thematic modules; pedagogical technologies; teaching methods; students.
Для цитирования:
Derevyankina, O. M. (2020). Application of the Model of Joint Use of “Flipped Class” Methods and Case Study // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – С. 83-91. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-10.