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Psycholinguistic Approach in the Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign for Chinese Speakers
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-09
Abstract: The one of actuality questions of teaching methods Russian as a foreign language (RFL) stays a development of resultative methods and ways teaching the Russian language for students of different nationalities. The article is about RFL teaching features in Chinese native speakers auditory and intended for RFL’s teacher, aspirants and students than studying in this specialty. Authors means that the psycholinguistics approach for RFL teaching in Chinese native speakers auditory is effective. This approach included defining features of information perception by Chinese native speakers. Base on a system of Chinese language features, methods of teaching the Chinese as a native authors make some conclusions about features of perception by Chinese native speakers: its right hemisphere domination, equal development of three perception canals – auditory, visual and kinesthetic. To create an exercise system for Chinese native speakers, the authors used experimental methods: DAE, methods for filling in gaps, methods for completing statements, also comparisons method. The effect on perception canals realized thanks to audio-visual facilitates. The result of our research is exercise complex on the theme “Russian speech etiquette” for Chinese native speakers that created according to psycholinguistics approach requirements for teaching RFL. Exercises tested were in Russian speech etiquette classes for Chinese language auditory. Based on the data obtained, the authors made the conclusions about: the support on student’s lateral profile raises the effect of teaching, but the teacher must differentiate the exercises by structure and forms, learning materials volume, and the time for exercise makes; comparison operates helps Chinese native speakers assimilate materials better, but only in situations when the comparison perhaps; audio-visual row’s use is productive and facilitates the work with nonverbal language means; kinesthetic reinforcement is more effective in situation of playing communicative situations with students; the easiest exercises are exercise on the DAE base. The exercise on probabilistic forecasting methods base is also effective, but so difficult for beginners, cause this exercise requires some restrictions.
Key words: Psycholinguistics; psycholinguistic approach; Russian as a foreign language; methods of teaching the Russian language; methodology of the Russian language at the university; Chinese students; speech etiquette; lateral profile; means of education; teaching methods.
For citation
Van-Chan-Zhou, A. A., Ruzentseva, N. B. (2020). Psycholinguistic Approach in the Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign for Chinese Speakers // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 75-82. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-09.