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Hardiness of Creative Students
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-04
Abstract: The authors consider the main theoretical aspects of the problem of creativity and vitality of creative individuals in early adolescence. The problem of creativity as a significant component of the vitality of a person experiencing psychological difficulties associated with experiencing a sense of danger of contracting coronavirus is very relevant for a person of the 21st century, but at the same time is not well understand. The problem of a creative personality over the past decades has been solve by studying the correlations between the components of motivation and objective indicators of creativity. According to the authors, indicators of creativity will be associated with various aspects of resilience, provide that creative behavior becomes the leading criterion for the formation of a positive functioning of the personality. Thus, the authors decided to identify differences in hardiness indicators depending on the severity of creativity among high school students and students. The problem of creativity in Russian psychology is not well understand, as is the problem of the hardiness of creative people. According to research data from a number of foreign scientists, there is currently insufficient data to prove differences in hardiness between creatives and non-creatives. The study involved 99 students of Ural State Pedagogical University of Ekaterinburg from 17 to 19 years old, the average age is 18,3 years. The following methods were use in the study: hardiness questionnaire and E. P. Torrance creativity test. Based on an empirical study, it was find that between creative and non-creative respondents were identify significant differences for all components of resilience. The most pronounced differences between creative students and their non-creative peers were manifest in engagement. Thus, authors can conclude that creative abilities allow a person more often to enjoy their own activities and try to find a field of activity that will contribute to the satisfaction of their essential needs.
Key words: Hardiness of a personality; creativity; creative personality; students; personality of students; psychology of students; personality traits.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A., Vodyakha, Yu. E., Ryabova, Yu. A. (2020). Hardiness of Creative Students // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 35-40 . DOI 10.26170/po20-04-04.