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Digitalization of Education: Realities and Problems
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-02
Abstract: The article should be considered as a continuation of the author’s publication in the previous issue of the journal “Pedagogical Education in Russia” (No. 3) “Digitalization of Education: Illusions and Expectations”. This article is devoted to a discussion of the available digitalization results of the national secondary and higher schools. The results for the comprehensive school are based on the definition of the digital transformation of education, given in one of the program documents of the Higher School of Economics as the achievement by each learner of the necessary educational results through modern information technologies and, in particular, the digital educational environment. For schools, this environment has been implemented most consistently and fully and has been used for several years as part of the Moscow Electronic School (MES) project in all schools of Moscow. The main components of the environment are described: technological infrastructure, citywide electronic journal and diary, library of electronic materials. At the same time, a noticeable increase in the quality of training was not obtained, although a significant number of controversial and even negative points were revealed. A similar analysis of the digitalization of higher education shows that, in fact, at present it has been reduced to administratively-forced introduction in universities of distance mass online courses (MOOCs), although, as the experience of foreign universities shows, MOOCs are very poorly integrated into formal higher education. The place of MOOCs is advanced training and additional education based on high internal motivation of learners. The problems of digitalization of education and their sources are discussed. According to the author, the key issue at present is the readiness of acting teachers to use digital educational technologies in working with learners and, of course, the formation of this readiness by future teachers when studying at pedagogical universities.
Key words: Digitalization of education; digital transformation of education; digital technologies in education; e-learning; distance learning; training of teaching staff.
For citation
Starichenko, B. E. (2020). Digitalization of Education: Realities and Problems // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 16-26. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-02.