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Exercise Complex for the Development of Foreign Language Educational and Cognitive Competence of Students Majoring in Tourism
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-13
Abstract: In modern pedagogical science, educational and cognitive competence is interpreted as a complex personality-activity category that is realized in the educational activity of a person and, in general, reflects the ability and readiness to effectively and efficiently carry out independent educational activity within the framework of an organized educational process. The internal structure of educational and cognitive competence is considered as a set of motivation, goal-setting, metacognitive and subject knowledge, skills, corresponding personality traits and experience in the implementation of independent educational activity as a link between the components. The study and analysis of educational and methodological literature on a foreign language in relation to educational and cognitive competence made it possible to characterize a foreign language educational and cognitive competence as a dynamic integrative category, reflecting the readiness and ability to effectively manage independent educational activities to master a foreign language in an organized educational process with a gradually increasing the ability for self-education outside of pedagogical management, in which the components (motivational, activity, knowledge, personal) function in the closest relationship. The activity component contains general automethodical skills (they combine the actions of methodological regulation of independent learning activity) and automethodically profiled object skills (specific for foreign language learning activities, characterize the communicative-linguistic side of independent learning activity in the language and speech aspects), divided into two subgroups: automethodically profiled aspect and automethodically profiled complex. Speaking and vocabulary were identified as the main objects for groups of automethodically profiled skills for future specialists in tourism. The article describes a set of exercises for the development of foreign language educational competence, elaborated on the basis of groups of automethod skills.
Key words: Professional competence; students; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methodology of foreign languages at the university; educational and cognitive competencies; educational and cognitive activity; educational motivation; independent educational activity; automethodical tasks; sets of exercises; the sphere of tourism; tourism.
For citation
Lavrik, E. Yu. (2020). Exercise Complex for the Development of Foreign Language Educational and Cognitive Competence of Students Majoring in Tourism // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 114-121. DOI 10.26170/po20-05-13.