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Features of Reflection of the Father’s Image in ihe Modern Russian Mentality
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-16
Abstract: An important position in the structure of the figurative sphere belongs to the image of the father. The relevance of the study is determined by the significant influence of the father’s image on the development of each child and determines the formation of personal and parental consistency in an adult. The purpose of this article is to describe the results of a study of the features of the reflection of the image of the father in the modern Russian mentality. The research is based on a systemic-structural approach to the study of the psyche and consciousness, theoretical ideas about the representation of images as a complexly organized system, which have specific content at different levels of mental representations. The research was carried out using a set of psychodiagnostic techniques: “Associative experiment” (C. G. Jung, M. Wertheimer, D. Klein), “Unfinished sentences” (C. G. Jung), “Personal differential” (E. F. Bazhin A. M. Etkind), “Diagnostics of interpersonal relations” (DIR, T. Leary). The research found that at the perceptual level, the image of the father is filled with a variety of evaluative, factual and value features, represented in the course of the personal experience of the respondents’ interaction with their father, reflecting the predominantly idealized perception of the image, its positive assessment. At the same time, the structural and content composition of the father’s image is determined by a set of variables that characterize the degree of his educational and social activity, professional success, the nature of the father’s interaction with family members in general and with the child in particular, the ability to build relationships with others. A decisive role in consolidating the father’s positive assessments is assigned to his personal (“wisdom”, “masculinity”, “dominance”, “self-confidence”), emotional-strong-willed (“poise”, “responsibility”, “initiative”) and communicative (“sociability”, “friendliness”) features.
Key words: The image of the father; paternity; perceptual images; representation of images; Russian mentality; children; psychological diagnostics; diagnostic methods.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N., Eltsova, I. V. (2020). Features of Reflection of the Father’s Image in ihe Modern Russian Mentality // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 137-145 . DOI 10.26170/po20-05-16.