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Current Problems of Physics School Education in the Russian Federation
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-01
Abstract: The article discusses the influence of changing purposes of physics school education on its content. The change in the goals of school education over time are traced, as well as the results of Russian schoolchildren in the international and domestic studies of the quality of education, which confirms the existence of the problem of the content of physics education. Current trends in the development of the conceptions of the content of school education and school literature are noted. The results of psychological investigations concerning the change of cognitive processes of the modern schoolchildren, which must be taken into account in the educational literature, are presented. Examples of modern school Russian physics textbooks and the physics textbook of Singapore, which are mostly correspond to modern requirements for them, are given.
Key words: Methods of teaching physics; physics methodology at school; pupils; physical education; content of education; goals of physical education; personal results; subject results; metasubject results; educational outcomes; natural science literacy; the quality of education.
For citation
Purysheva, N. S., Isaev, D. A. (2020). Current Problems of Physics School Education in the Russian Federation // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 8-15. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-01.