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Educational Activities and Science: Conjugacy, Co-Dependency, Compatibility
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-02
Abstract: The authors consider the contradiction that has developed in the practice of education management between the positioning of the essence of scientific activity and scientific and methodological activity. the article describes discriminatory elements in the assessment of the functionality of research and teaching staff (R & d) and teaching staff (academicians). The purpose of the work is to try to present an innovative approach to understanding the essence of a teacher’s scientific activity. The methodology of the analytical-synthetic approach and methods of content analysis, express survey of practitioners allowed us to draw a number of conclusions. The essence of a teacher’s scientific activity should be presented as a regulated form of creative process aimed at finding new knowledge, evaluating it, analyzing it, and synthesizing it. New knowledge in the proposed context is a set of objects and phenomena that were not included in the previous description of the objects and phenomena presented by the teacher in the educational and research process, their Genesis and algorithms for adaptation to practice. In education, new knowledge does not have to be created by the teacher himself as the discovery of the innovative essence of objects, processes and phenomena. We are talking about the search for such innovations and the inclusion of their description or application algorithms in educational practice. Forms of presentation of research results can be presented not only in publications, reports on research work (R & d), the number of projects created independently or in contact with students, competitive and qualifying works. The scientific activity of a teacher should be considered the activity that precedes the search and subsequent application of methods for presenting new knowledge. This theoretical message, when applied to the practice of evaluating the performance of any university, will require a strict and practical separation of two clusters of employees: research and teaching staff (R & d) and teaching staff (academics). To date, most universities and theoretical studies of management and management marketing implement a mixture of functions of these categories of employees that contradicts the legislation on education in the Russian Federation. Such established practices should be corrected.
Key words: Pedagogical activity; teachers; scientific activity; scientific research; the effectiveness of teaching activities; education management; pedagogical innovation; innovative approach.
For citation
Pachikova, L. P., Filippovskaya, T. V. (2020). Educational Activities and Science: Conjugacy, Co-Dependency, Compatibility // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 16-21. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-02.