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Metaphorical Competence in the Aspect of Learning a Foreign Language
- Hits: 296
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-18
Abstract: This article examines the problems that exist in the practice of teaching a foreign language and testing in a foreign language from the point of view of the relationship between the formation of thinking in a foreign language and the formation of pragmatic competence, in combination with linguistic theory and the theory of teaching a foreign language. The article proposes to consider the assessment of metaphorical abilities as part of the measurement of the assessment of pragmatic competence. In this regard, the author aims to describe the principles of teaching a foreign language, taking into account the possibilities of forming metaphorical competence and assessing the level of its formation as an important component of pragmatic competence, important for effective intercultural interaction. The following principles of foreign language teaching are formulated: the principle of importance of forming metaphorical thinking, the principle of systematic cognition, the principle of cultural cognition, the principle of teaching practical grammar of a language, the principle of learning integrity, the principle of complex contextual assessment. The universality of metaphorical thinking and the functional features of metaphorical expression give reason to believe that the formation of metaphorical competence is a necessary content of teaching a foreign language in order to eliminate communication failures and increase the effectiveness of speech interaction in the context of intercultural communication. Assessment of the level of formation of metaphorical competence is an important part of the assessment of pragmatic competence and its content should correspond to real communicative situations.
Key words: Metaphorical competence; pragmatic thinking; metaphorical thinking; intercultural interaction; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages.
For citation
He, Li. (2020). Metaphorical Competence in the Aspect of Learning a Foreign Language // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 156-162. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-18.