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Formation of Students Ability to Understand the Conditions of Physical Problems in the Process of them Solution
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-14
Abstract: The article discusses the problem: how to form in university students the ability to understand the conditions of physical problems. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for teaching students the ability to understand the conditions of physical problems in the process of solving them. The methodological basis of the research is the following approaches: systemic, competence, semantic, cognitive and linguistic. The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the constructed didactic model are the theory of educational activity, developing learning, solving educational physical problems. A system of theoretical and empirical research methods was used. The didactic model of the formation of the studied skill in students is described, containing target, didactic and methodological blocks. The structure of the studied skill, means and methods of its formation are presented. The course and results of the pedagogical experiment, proving the effectiveness of the developed methodology at the level of higher professional education.
The novelty of the results obtained lies in the adaptation of the didactic model and methodology for the formation of the ability to understand the conditions of physical problems to the level of higher professional education (material of the general course of physics). The significance of the results for science and practice lies in the substantiation of special teaching of students to the ability to understand the conditions of physical problems, proof of its positive connection with the success of solving problems and mastering the material of the course of physics in general; in expanding the system of means and methods of teaching the studied skill, the development of appropriate teaching materials. As a result of the study, it was possible to show that the methodology for the formation of the ability to understand the conditions of physical problems, developed by O. E. Levenko for secondary school, is also effective at the level of higher professional education, in the process of teaching students a general course of physics, subject to the expansion of the system of teaching aids and methods of joint activity students and teacher.
Key words: Formation of skills; physical tasks; conditions for physical problems; solving problems; didactic models; cognitive approach; semantic approach; linguistic approach; levels of formation; students; methods of teaching physics; physics methodology at the university.
For citation
Lankina, M. P., Levenko, O. E. (2020). Formation of Students Ability to Understand the Conditions of Physical Problems in the Process of them Solution // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 122-129. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-14 .