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Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Chinese Students Training for the Creation of the Artistic and Aesthetic Environment in Preschool Educational Institutions
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-13
Abstract: The relevance of the problem considered in the article is due to the objective need of the Chinese society for graduates of pedagogical universities with a high level of readiness to create a developing artistic and aesthetic environment in preschool educational institutions. The success of solving this problem is associated with the development of theoretical and methodological approaches, including clarification of the content and structure of the phenomenon of “artistic and aesthetic environment” taking into account the general attitudes towards its developmental and educational potential in Chinese, Russian and Western European pedagogy of preschool childhood. The purpose of the article is to reveal the pedagogical potential of the artistic and aesthetic environment in the development of a preschool child and to consider the methods that can be used in preparing Chinese students of a pedagogical university to realize this potential in their future professional activities. The methodological basis of the study is the provisions of aesthetics on the harmonizing effect on a person of an aesthetically organized, orderly, harmonious in relation to the form and content of the environment (M. S. Kagan), the conclusions of thinkers and teachers of the past (V. V. Zenkovsky, P. F. Kapterev, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and others) and modern research (A. I. Burov, L. P. Pechko, E. F. Komandyshko, E. P. Olesin, O. V. Stukalov) about the aesthetic sensitivity of preschool children and the importance of the artistic and aesthetic environment as an emotional and figurative context in their emotional, creative, moral, socio-cultural development. The article used research methods such as the study and analysis of literature, generalization of the experience of Russian and Chinese educational researchers, pedagogical design. Scientific novelty consists in clarifying the components of the artistic and aesthetic environment in a preschool educational institution (emotional-psychological, value-semantic, creative) and determining the appropriate stages in the formation of students’ readiness to create it in the process of studying at a university. The practical significance of the research lies in the identification of productive methods of preparing students for the creation of an artistic and aesthetic environment and the description of creative tasks based on referring to these methods in the classroom at the university. The authors proposed the following methods: modeling (graphic, volumetric, spatial, virtual) of the aesthetic environment in a kindergarten group, artistic design of the thematic design of the group for a festive event, artistic and graphic visualization (sketch, presentation, volumetric painting, application, plasticineography, animation, etc.). Subject content of the Center for Artistic Creativity in the kindergarten group.
Key words: Pedagogical universities; Chinese students; preschoolers; preschool educational organizations; aesthetic education; educational potential; artistic and aesthetic environment; training of future teachers; Chinese universities.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G., Wang, Shuhan. (2020). Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Chinese Students Training for the Creation of the Artistic and Aesthetic Environment in Preschool Educational Institutions // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 115-121. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-13.