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Assimilation of Methodic Disciplines by Students of the Profile “Musical Education” from China
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-15
Abstract: The article deals the actual problem of the organization the process of the musical education of students from the China at the Russian Pedagogical University. The purpose of article is the reveal and analysis of difficulties, which Chinese students are trying in the study of methodic disciplines (Methodic of Education and Training in the Musical Education and Polyart Training of Schoolchildren), the trying to understand of its reasons and the projection of ways of their overcome. The review of researches in the sphere of education of Chinese students of musical profiles to the professional orientated Russian language and musical terminology is adduced. Recommendations about the organization of studies Russian language with Chinese students of the profile “Musical Education” as the base for parallel assimilation of profile disciplines are given. Difficulties, appearing in Chinese students in the process of assimilation of the content of musical-performing, musical-theoretic and methodic disciplines are compared. On the base of the analysis of the our experience of the teaching of the discipline “Methodic of the Education and Training in the Musical Education” in the mixt groups of the Russian and Chinese students of the profile “Musical Education”, observations over the pedagogical process and conversations with Chinese students the number of difficulties in the assimilation of contents of this disciplines are exposed. The reasons of that difficulties (the using of the complicated speech’ constructs in the speech of the lecturer; insufficient understanding of the essence of the process of the musical education of schoolchildren in the reason of essential differences in the systems of the musical education in Russia and China; impossibility to be guided by the own child’s experience, usage by teacher and Russian students of adapted names of musical pieces) are adduced. Examples of the organization the work with Chinese students for the assimilation of the contents of the discipline “Polyart education in the school” with the calculation of level of the seizure by the Russian language are adduced. Creative works of students from the Chinese People’s Republic, indicative of the seizure by methodical project abilities are analyzed. The necessity of the creation of the special training appliance for Chinese students substantiated and its content is projected.
Key words: Musical education; students from the People’s Republic of China; Chinese students; methodological disciplines; music lesson; teaching and education methodology; poly-artistic education of schoolchildren.
For citation
Matveeva, L. V., Yang, Bo, Belyaeva, L. A. (2020). Assimilation of Methodic Disciplines by Students of the Profile “Musical Education” from China // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 130-139. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-15.