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Criteria and Indicators of the Management Competence the Head of Pre-School Educational Organization
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-07
Abstract: The topicality of the chosen topic is due to the change in the social and legal environment of the activities of preschool educational organizations. The article deals with the problem associated with the assessment of the management activities of the heads of preschool organizations. In connection with the change in the social and economic conditions of the educational services market, there is a need for effective leaders who ensure the organization’s competitiveness and the quality of services provided. New requirements are imposed on the managerial activities of the head of a preschool educational organization, primarily related to his skills and knowledge in the field of management. Leaders of preschool educational organizations must have managerial competence, expressed in the ability to organize and coordinate the activities of employees who ensure the quality of preschool education; the formed skills of planning the organization’s activities for the long and medium term, as well as the skills of monitoring and introspection. The ability to form and develop the ability to manage activities can be completed by taking retraining courses “Management in the field of education”, advanced training under the program “Personnel management of an educational organization”. In the process of mastering retraining and advanced training courses, managers must master three groups of competencies: instrumental, interpersonal and systemic. Assessment of a manager’s performance cannot be carried out without mastering the basics of qualimetry. Assessment of managerial competence involves the use of technology, one of the stages of which is the determination of the nomenclature of criteria and indicators of the competence in question. Having studied various aspects of the theories of qualimetry, the article reveals the theory of folding indicators and estimates, the theory of estimation algorithms; classification of quality indicators; general principles and axioms of qualimetry. Proceeding from this, the assessment of a manager’s activity, namely his managerial competence, involves the use of technology, one of the stages of which is the determination of the range of criteria and indicators of the competence in question.
Key words: Managerial competencies; management activities; management of an educational organization; qualimetry; management functions; criteria for evaluation; preschool educational organizations; competency groups.
For citation
Koroleva, S. V. (2020). Criteria and Indicators of the Management Competence the Head of Pre-School Educational Organization // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 69-74. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-07.