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Game Method in the Process of Teaching Swimming to Preschool Children
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-08
Abstract: The article describes the possibility of using the game method in the process of primary swimming training for preschoolers. To date, the question of the most effective methods of mastering specific swimming movements remains open. The process of learning to swim is long, and some children do not master this skill. At the same time, this is more relevant for preschoolers, which is due to the active formation of motor skills at this age. For children of this age group, the leading form of the cognitive process is a game. In this regard, a special place in the method of mastering swimming movements by preschoolers is occupied by games in the water. Game techniques allow you to get used to the water faster due to positive emotions, reduce the level of stiffness and stress that inevitably arise in a new environment. Thanks to games, preschool children who do not yet know how to swim can adapt more easily to the water environment and learn the necessary movements faster, and those preschoolers who already swim effectively consolidate their emerging skills. The game method reduces the monotony of the learning process and makes it interesting to repeatedly repeat a particular swimming movement, which is necessary for learning motor skills. The article provides examples of specific games that can be used to master and consolidate elementary swimming actions in accordance with the main stages of swimming training. The results obtained can be used for practical application of the described game techniques in the process of teaching swimming to preschool children.
Key words: Preschoolers; swimming; swimming training; teaching methods; methodological techniques; game teaching methods; play activity.
For citation
Tychkina, K. A. (2020). Game Method in the Process of Teaching Swimming to Preschool Children // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 75-79. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-08.