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The Model of Developing Business Foreign Competence of Students Non-Linguistic Universities
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-11
Abstract: Developing business foreign competence of students during learning at the university is necessary requirement demanded from the candidate, taking part in international collaboration. The definition of business foreign competence is given. The participation includes international professional collaboration, taking part in the conferences and symposia, business projects’ organization. Taking this fact into consideration there is necessity of development of students’ foreign business communication. The structural analysis of existing model of development foreign business competence is applied. The components of this competence are determined. The optimal methods of development required knowledge, skills are regarded. The complex of strategic business tasks and stages of development foreign business communication is developed, paying attention to modern reality. Creating the tasks, national differences of representatives of different cultures were taken into consideration. Needed pedagogical conditions for development the skills mentioned above are studied. The demand of development foreign business competence is explained. The importance of group and team work in teaching business communication is shown. It is necessary to develop skills to take group decisions, take part in brain storming. All the components of the model are developing in the learning process of student at the university, the following self-education, with the development of other cultural and professional competences. The described model is formed paying attention to peculiarities of professional activity of specialists in business sphere.
Key words: Foreign languages; business conversation; group work; business strategy; foreign language competencies; business competencies; students; non-language universities.
For citation
Guzikova, V. V., Zelenina, L. E., Pokhodzey, G. V. (2020). The Model of Developing Business Foreign Competence of Students Non-Linguistic Universities // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 103-108. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-11.