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Training in Solution of Model Professionally-Oriented Problems as a Method for Forming Mathematical Literacy of Students in Medical Colleges
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-10
Abstract: It is noted that in the context of rapid digitalization of all aspects of the social order, when complex processes can be launched by pressing a button by a person’s decision, the degree of responsibility of each member of society for their decisions and actions increases many times over. A measure of this responsibility is functional literacy, an important component of which is subject-matter functional mathematical literacy, as the ability to think mathematically, formulate, apply and interpret mathematics to solve problems in a variety of practical contexts. Math literacy helps people understand the role of mathematics in the world, make well-founded judgments and make decisions that should be made by constructive, active and reflective citizens in the XXI century. According to the authors, an effective tool for the formation of mathematical literacy of students in the context of a future profession, prior to the systematic study of methods of applied professionally-oriented mathematical modeling, is the solution of specially selected model professionally-oriented problems (MPOP). In particular, this is important when training future medical workers, where the possibilities and effectiveness of using mathematical methods are clearly underestimated. As part of the implementation of the educational program of secondary professional education of a medical profile (SPE MP), the article touches on a number of issues related to the use of specially selected model professionally-oriented problems (MPOP) of physical, mathematical, informational, economic, and other contents. Such problems are assessed as a tool of achieving an educational result, expressed in the formation and development of professional intelligence and competencies among students of SPE MP in the specialty 31.02.04 “Medical Optics”.
Key words: Professionally oriented tasks; maths; teaching methods of mathematics; students; medical colleges; functional literacy; mathematical literacy; professional intelligence.
For citation
Bodryakov, V. Yu., Epanchintsev, M. Yu., Kuznetsova, A. S. (2020). Training in Solution of Model Professionally-Oriented Problems as a Method for Forming Mathematical Literacy of Students in Medical Colleges // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 87-102. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-10.