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Innovative Educational Resources as Effective Means of Overcoming Difficulties in Foreign Speaking Students of Non-Language Specialties
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-12
Abstract: The article actualizes the problem of overcoming difficulties in foreign language speaking of students studying in the areas of technical specialties. The author approaches this problem by developing and implementing innovative educational resources. The purpose of the article is to develop and determine the effectiveness of innovative educational resources in the process of overcoming difficulties in foreign language speaking by students of non-linguistic universities. Methodology and methods: the article uses methods of theoretical analysis, descriptive method, method of pedagogical modeling, design, as well as methods of mathematical statistics. Results: innovative educational resources were developed and implemented, namely, a system of exercises (including electronic, interactive, multilevel electronic, etc.) to overcome difficulties in foreign language speaking of students; the effectiveness of these educational resources has been confirmed. Scientific novelty: in the process of developing innovative educational resources, digital, virtual, interactive learning environments make it possible to use the latest technological and nontraditional (for example, neurodidactic) linguistic methods in an effective way. Theoretical and practical significance: the concept of developing educational resources, precisely as digital / electronic, also implies taking into account modern requirements for the formation of an innovative educational environment based on the use of AI potential in teaching foreign languages, creating virtual models and learning environments; the integration of an electronic educational resource into such an educational environment ensures the innovativeness of the educational technology for overcoming difficulties in foreign language speaking. Conclusions: in the process of implementing the developed educational resources, implemented on the basis of innovative technologies, a positive dynamics was noted in overcoming difficulties by students in foreign language speaking, which allowed them to effectively improve their level of proficiency in foreign language communication, including the formation of professional communication skills.
Key words: Innovative educational resources; pedagogical innovation; electronic resources; Information Technology; professional communication; overcoming difficulties; foreign language speaking; students; technical universities; foreign language communications.
For citation
Koroleva, O. S. (2020). Innovative Educational Resources as Effective Means of Overcoming Difficulties in Foreign Speaking Students of Non-Language Specialties // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 109-114. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-12.