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Patriotic Education of Future Architects on the Example of Preserving the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Lower Volga Region of Russia. In Pedagogical Education in Russia
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-16
Abstract: The authors of the article reveal the potential of historical and cultural heritage in the education of patriotism among future architects. The future of the country largely depends on the worldview and beliefs of young people. It is important not only to train and educate a professional, but also to form a patriot who understands the importance of his role in the prosperity of the Fatherland, manifested in knowledge, attitude and creative activities for the benefit of the country, taking into account the industry specifics. The problem of the research is to find the conceptual foundations of student education, where, the purposeful education of patriotism as the most important quality of the individual is conducted along with professional education; as well as to identify and scientifically substantiate the possibility of the subject area “Architecture and design” for the implementation of cultural and pedagogical work to form an understanding of the importance of preserving traditions related to the history of the country and its peoples, awareness of the value of historical and cultural architectural heritage. The purpose of the research is to find and use the most effective practice of Patriotic education of future architects. Theoretical and methodological foundations of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, history, cultural studies, art history, ethnopsychology are reflected in the structural and functional model of activating the system of Patriotic education of future architects. The scientific novelty of the research consists in substantiating the methodology of designing the educational process, formulating its leading characteristics, and determining the structural and content elements. Practical significance is in creation of recommendations that serve as a guide for the development of educational programs that improve the quality of training students in the field of patriotic education. It is proved that the values of historical and cultural architectural heritage and specially created pedagogical conditions, including spiritual and moral education of students, serve as the means of education patriotism as a sense of civic responsibility for future architects.
Key words: Patriotism; patriotic education; students; architects; training of future architects; restoration work; means of education; innovation; architectural heritage.
For citation
Skripchenkova, S. Yu., Satarova, L. A. (2020). Patriotic Education of Future Architects on the Example of Preserving the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Lower Volga Region of Russia. In Pedagogical Education in Russia // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 140-145. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-16.