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Family Factors of Self-Reference of Body Image in Adolescent Boys and Girls
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-22
Abstract: The article analyzes the problem of self-reference of the body image in adolescents. It is shown how society sets standards in assessing corporeality, which are transmitted to children and adolescents in the communicative process. Of particular importance for adolescents is communication with family members – parents and siblings. It was shown that girls mostly have a negative body image: they rate its functionality and activity lower than boys. An empirical study tested the hypothesis that self-reference of body image is influenced by the nature of feedback received from parents. The study involved 26 girls and 26 boys 13–16 years old. The following questionnaires were selected for the study: psychosemantic questionnaire “My body” K. N. Belogai; “Self-image questionnaire” by O. A. Skugarevsky and S. V. Sivukha and a questionnaire in which adolescents assessed the feedback received from their parents regarding their bodies. When analyzing the results, three variants of feedback received by adolescents from their parents were identified: negative, neutral and positive. The results of the survey were subjected to analysis of variance, in which gender and type of feedback were taken as categorical predictors, and the severity of negative body image, assessment of the body, activity, and functionality were taken as dependent variables. Shown is the dependence on the type of body image of a teenager depending on the type of feedback given by the parents. Negative feedback reduces functionality, activity, and body acceptance for both girls and boys, while increasing the severity of negative body image.
Key words: Body image; self-reference of body image; corporality; adolescents; boys; girls; parents; family education; psychological tests; Feedback; family factors; empirical research.
For citation
Belogai, K. N., Morozova, I. S., Borisenko, Yu. V., et al. (2020). Family Factors of Self-Reference of Body Image in Adolescent Boys and Girls // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 194-202. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-22.