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Higher Education: Legistative Innovations and New Horizons of Opportunities
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-03
Abstract: conditions for stimulating the independence of universities and the development of The purpose of this article is to review current legislative innovations in the field of higher education and assess their prospects for innovative development of universities. In order to quickly respond to changes in social needs for training specialists, especially medical specialists, in a complex epidemiological situation, it is necessary to relax strict regulations from above and expand the autonomy of universities. An important trend of changes in legislation in the field of higher education is the creation of self-organization processes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reform of the regulatory activity and applying a risk-based approach in the organization of state regulation of educational activities will allow you to go from total control for differential and provide an opportunity to overcome the redundancy of verification procedures to remove the burden of the restrictions in the design and implementation of current projects and networking. Cooperation of scientific and educational organizations with potential employers affects the quality of training of graduates in accordance with the competence model of training, which meets national interests and demands for modern medicine. It is important to understand that the stressful conditions that universities find themselves in due to the rapid transition to a remote interaction format set a fundamentally new model of University development that contradicts the principles of cybernetic management, but can be modeled and constructed on the basis of a social-synergetic paradigm. The application of the social-synergetic paradigm allows us to shift the focus from the study of the organizational certainty of educational systems to the processes of their self-organization. An important principle of self-organizing models is the following: an organization significantly increases its effectiveness if the organizational component of its social dynamics is open to self-organizing processes. This is the goal of easing legal regulations and encouraging universities to independently search for effective solutions in the face of uncertainty in the forecast of the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection. The policy of reforming state regulation of educational activities that is adequate to modern challenges opens up new horizons for innovative development of universities and makes it possible for them to respond flexibly in a rapidly changing situation.
Key words: Legislative innovations; medical universities; regulations; practice-oriented learning; medical education; practical training; networking.
For citation
Shkinder, N. L., Glukhih, S. I. (2020). Higher Education: Legistative Innovations and New Horizons of Opportunities // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 22-30. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-03.