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Development of Value Attitude to Art of Ural Region in Younger Schools in Decorative and Applied Creativity
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DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_05
Abstract: The urgency of the problem considered in the article is associated with the priorities of state policy in the sphere of civil-patriotic education of the younger generation. One of the ways to solve this problem is the development of a value attitude towards the art of one’s region on the basis of immersion of students of primary school age in arts and crafts based on the unique artistic traditions of the region. With regard to primary school age, it is especially productive to turn to decorative and applied art, which opens up wide opportunities for children to express themselves in the process of transforming the environment on the basis of the national and cultural traditions of the region. The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibilities of the methods of pedagogy of art education in the development of a value attitude towards the art of the Ural region in younger schoolchildren in the context of decorative and applied creative activity. The guideline in the choice of these methods was the results of the initial diagnostics carried out in the 4th grade of the Gymnasium No. 40 in Ekaterinburg. The following methods of pedagogy of art education were selected in accordance with the age capabilities of students and applied on the material of the decorative and applied arts of the Urals. The method of the constancy of the connection between art and life was used for practical mastering by schoolchildren of the features of the decorative and applied art of the peoples of the Urals in conjunction with the study of their life and traditions. The method of the unity of perception and creation in each action contributed to the development by schoolchildren of the artistic features and techniques of making items of decorative and applied art when they are reproduced in various types of visual activity. The method of broad associations was aimed at establishing similarities in the traditional art of the peoples of the Urals and contributed to the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards neighboring peoples among schoolchildren. The method of step-by-step discoveries was aimed at the gradual immersion of schoolchildren in the development of various aspects of the decorative and applied art of the Urals: the history of the emergence of crafts, the connection of their artistic features with the specifics of the region, the mentality of the peoples living in it, etc. As a result of the application of these methods in working with younger students the development of their value attitude to the art of their region, which was expressed in the expansion of their ideas about the artistic culture of the Urals, interest and personal involvement in the development of the material. Scientific novelty consists in substantiating the effectiveness of methods of pedagogy of art education in the development of value attitudes in schoolchildren towards regional art and analysis of their application in work practice, based on the characteristics of arts and crafts of the Ural region. The practical significance of the research materials lies in the development of creative tasks for primary schoolchildren on the basis of the decorative and applied arts of the Urals. The following research methods were used in the article: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical, art history literature, analysis of regulatory documents, generalization of the pedagogical experience of addressing arts and crafts in working with younger students.
Key words: value relationships; regional component; art education; primary school; younger students; arts and crafts; arts and crafts; cultural traditions.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G., Medvedeva, A. A. (2021). Development of Value Attitude to Art of Ural Region in Younger Schools in Decorative and Applied Creativity. // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 41-47. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_05.