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The Problem of Formation of Professional Mobility among Students of the China’s Music University in the Process of Learning Musical and Compositional Activities
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DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_06
Abstract: The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in China, as in most developed countries, spe-cialists with flexibility, mobility, the ability to quickly adapt, readiness for self-development and self-realization are in demand, that is, he should have professional mobility. An example of such personalities is a number of figures in the musical culture of China: Liu Shikun, Zhou Guangzhen, Wu Zujiang, etc., who successfully combine performing, composing, pedagogical, research, organizing, social and other hypostasis within their profession. This determines the need to solve this problem in the process of professional training of specialists at the university. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to form professional mobility of students of music universities in China and to identify the possibilities of music and composition activities in solving this pedagogical problem. Methodological basis of the study: theoretical provisions on the leading role of activity as a source of personality development (A. N. Leontiev and others); concepts of professional mobility and professionally important qualities of a specialist (L. V. Goryunova, E. F. Zeer, etc.); theoretical provisions on the essence and content of musical and compositional activity (B. R. Iophis, D. N. Pavlov). The following research methods were used: study and analysis of scientific literature, analysis and synthesis of pedagogical experience, analysis of instructional and methodological documents, pedagogical observation. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the authors of the article analyzed training programs in a number of areas related to musical and compositional activities implemented in music universities in China. It is concluded that the requirements for graduates contained in these programs include the preparation of students for work in related specialties and the readiness to carry out various types of professional activities – music and composition, pedagogical, research, cultural and translational and organizational. A specialist should be able to easily switch from one activity to another, perform activities in a related professional field – that is, he should have professional mobility. The authors of the article reveal the possibilities of musical and compositional activity in the formation of cognitive-activity, value-motivation and adaptive-regulatory components of professional mobility of the future composer.
Key words: professional mobility; formation of professional mobility; Chinese students; musical universities; musical composition activity; Chinese universities; musical education; music teaching method.
For citation
Kashina, N. I., Li, HaiMing, Junwei, Xia. (2021). The Problem of Formation of Professional Mobility among Students of the China’s Music University in the Process of Learning Musical and Compositional Activities. // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 48-54. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_06.