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Review on the Collection of Scientific Works “Concepted Apparatus of Pedagogy and Education”
- Hits: 318
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
- Файл статьи: PDF
DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_16
Abstract: A review of the collection of scientific works “Conceptual apparatus of pedagogy and education” (issue 12. Executive editor M. A. Galaguzova. Ekaterinburg, 2020. 432 p.) is presented. The collection of scientific papers is devoted to the problems of using the conceptual and terminological apparatus in pedagogy in connection with the widespread introduction of inclusion in educational pedagogical systems (general and special) at all levels of education, both in domestic and foreign educational practice. Both the conceptual and terminological phenomenon of “inclusion” itself, and related terms and concepts, respectively, events and phenomena designated by these terms are subject to comprehension and rethinking. The authors of the review note both the relevance and timeliness of the release of the twelfth issue of the collection of scientific papers, and its increased demand among foreign scientists-researchers and practitioners who are ready to share their experience in understanding the discussed problems. The reviewers assume a high interest in the content of the collection among a wide range of readers and a return to the discussed range of problems after a while. In general, the reviewers state the fact that the methodology of the science of pedagogy has received powerful help in understanding the conceptual and terminological phenomenon of “inclusion”.
Key words: scientific works; reviews; conceptual apparatus; pedagogy; inclusion; inclusive education; collections of scientific articles.
For citation
Almazova, O. V., Almazova, S. L. (2021). Review on the Collection of Scientific Works “Concepted Apparatus of Pedagogy and Education”. In Pedagogical Education in Russia. No. 1, pp. 121-127. DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_16. // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 121-127. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_16.