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Innovative Approaches in Higher Education in the Field of Computer Science (Review of the International Conference)
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DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_17
Abstract: The article discusses current approaches to training students as highly qualified IT specialists and recommendations on the integration of advanced educational technologies, which were discussed at the second International Conference Innovative Approaches in Computer Science within Higher Education, which took place in November, 2020 in Ekaterinburg. Issues under investigation include fundamentally new educational techniques, training tools, the use of information and communication technologies, gamification of education, the formation of applied competencies of future specialists in software engineering and etc. The experience of IT-companies integration with educational institutions is highlighted and the strategy of this integration within the educational process are discussed.
Key words: information technology; computer educational programs; project training; pedagogical in-novation; flipped class technology; interactive platforms; gaming virtual environment; students; international conferences.
For citation
Gein, A. G., Kovaleva, A. G., Obabkov, I. N., Papulovskaya, N. V., Shadrin, D. B. (2021). In-novative Approaches in Higher Education in the Field of Computer Science (Review of the International Conference). In Pedagogical Education in Russia. No. 1, pp. 128-134. DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_17. // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 128-134. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_17.