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Specifics of Mothers’ Self-Awareness Receiving Psychological and Pedagogical Support
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DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_12
Abstract: The modern family, being dependent on demographic, social and political and legal transfor-mations in the world, is undergoing a process of modification of its functions: feminization and strengthening of personality autonomy. The relevance of the study of the processes of the formation of the mother’s self-awareness is determined by her significant contribution to the formation of family relationships, the upbringing of the future generation. The purpose of this article is to describe the results of the study of the specifics of self-awareness of mothers, focused on online psychological and pedagogical support. The study is based on the works of foreign and domestic psychologists who study the semantic content of the mother, features of the formation and development of maternal self-awareness. The empirical study was conducted on a homogeneous sample of women who applied for psychological and pedagogical support as part of an online project. The respondents were asked to write an essay on the topic “I am a mother” according to the method of N. N. Vasyagina, designed to study the semantic content of the mother’s self-awareness. As a result of the research, the following was formed: a typical portrait of a mother, for whom, under certain life circumstances, it becomes important to master psychological and pedagogical knowledge and increase her parenting competencies; 2 clusters of women relying on emotional relationships with a child and paying more attention to their upbringing function. The first cluster is characterized by the presence of two factors: the “mirror self”, which corresponds to the subject’s idea that his personality, character and activity are capable of evoking respect, sympathy, approval and understanding in others; and “self-acceptance”, which corresponds to a friendly attitude towards oneself, agreement with oneself, approval of one’s plans and desires, emotional, unconditional acceptance of oneself as it is, even with some flaws. This group of mothers does not consider themselves a “bad mother”, does not note the presence of problems with the child, and is focused on emotional relationships with the child. For the second group of women, it is typical to spend more time with the child, they are more concentrated on their upbringing function, and have a high value of the factor “self-guidance”, which indicates a distinct experience of their own “I” as an internal core. Women belonging to the second cluster believe that their fate is in their own hands, they feel the validity and consistency of their inner motives and goals. Their maternal position lies in the orientation toward upbringing, rather than on emotions toward the child, as well as the correlation of their image as a mother with the idea of motherhood in general.
Key words: self-awareness of the mother; motherhood; psychology of motherhood; self-awareness of personality; parents; children; family education; child-parent relations; empirical research; psychological and pedagogical support.
For citation
Sanochkina, A. V., Vasyagina, N. N., Ignatjeva, S. (2021). Specifics of Mothers’ Self-Awareness Receiving Psychological and Pedagogical Support. In Pedagogical Education in Russia. No. 1, pp. 96-104. DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_12 // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 96-104. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_12.