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Abstract: The article gives an overview of the main stages in sport and physical education development in Russia. The authors single out three stages – the first stage is since the beginning of XIX century until 1917, the second stage dates 1917 – 1990, and the third stage is since 1990 until today. At the first stage there were attempts to create a national system of physical education based on the experience of foreign educational system and national pedagogical heritage. The second stage is characterized by the search for non-ideological bases to determine the goals and tasks of physical education. Physical education acquired its individuality caused by the peculiarities of motivational sphere development in combination with human health and the level of physical development. During the third stage they develop legal basis for implementation of a new methodology of physical education. One of the most promising areas in contemporary physical education is socio-anthropological area, which allows to determine the factors of human development and identity construction in the specific environment of sport, as well as to reveal the role of physical education in value system formation and personality development.
Key words: Physical education; physical training; physical development; history of Pedagogy.

For citation

Dneprov, S. A. Can Physical Education Be a Part of Educational Program? / S. A. Dneprov, M. P. Rusinova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 178-184 .