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Legal Socialization of Personality: Essence, Concept, Stages
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Abstract: Sociocultural changes in modern society and changes in the requirements for the personality of a graduate of a general education organization increase the importance of legal socialization of the individual and the need for full implementation of the socializing function of all socialization institutions. The article discusses the definitions of the concepts of «socialization» and «legal socialization» of both domestic and foreign authors, and highlights the key characteristics of these concepts. On the basis of the definitions considered, the concept of legal socialization is clarified, as well as its components: cognitive, axiological, and activity-centered. It is noted that in modern scientific literature, there is no single approach to understanding age boundaries of the stages of legal socialization of the individual and the criteria for their delimitation. The author substantiates the significance of such criterion for determining age boundaries of legal socialization as the legal status of the individual. Thus, the transition from one stage of socialization to another is associated with significant changes in the set of rights and duties of the individual. Particular attention is paid to the primary socialization of the individual, which begins at birth and continues until adulthood. The beginning of legal socialization from the moment of birth is explained by the emergence of legal capacity, on which the legal status of the individual is based. Primary legal socialization ends with the coming of the age of majority, because it is from the age of eighteen that the citizen can independently and fully exercise their rights and obligations, acquiring full legal capacity. Within the framework of the primary legal socialization, three stages are identified: initial, teenage and youth. The age boundaries of each of the stages, the distinction of which is possible due to significant changes in the legal status of the individual, have been outlined.
Key words: Legal socialization; legal status of person; underage; stages of legal socialization.
For citation
Andreeva, E. E. Legal Socialization of Personality: Essence, Concept, Stages / E. E. Andreeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 25-29.