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The Model of the Process of Self-Realization of the Personality of Adult in the Artistic Activity
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Abstract: The article looks at the problem of active ageing and defines self-realization of the personality of an adult as a way of development of the human nature and describes artistic activity as a means of development of the human nature possessing educational and health improving potential. In order to describe the essence of the process of self-realization in education, the author uses the method of pedagogical modeling. Work begins with modeling one cycle of self-realization of an adult in artistic activity, and then goes on to the design of methodological-technological resources of one of the kinds of artistic activity, and namely visual art. Modeling draws on the following theories: the theory of self-actualization by A. Maslow and K. Rodgers, the theory of motivation by A. Maslow, and the technique «active imagination» proposed by K. G. Yung. The model «cyclic process of self-realization of adult personality in artistic activity» includes the following theses: about the significance of the anthropological approach to revealing the structure of human nature; about the starting of movement along the way of development of human nature, which begins with the person’s desire to feel the interrelationship between body and soul; about moderate satisfaction of lower needs and acquiring bodily and psychological health due to the health protective resources of artistic activity; about realization of interrelationship between body and soul and satisfaction of the needs of a higher order by way of the educational resources of artistic activity; about the fact that satisfaction of the higher needs has an accelerating impact on the organism; about cessation of the movement along the way of development of human nature in the positive nucleus of human consciousness, «Ego», which functions as a true healer of the human nature. The conclusion presents the areas for further research along the lines outlined in the paper.
Key words: Self-realization of personality; art activity; visual art; self-actualization process; fine art; andragogy; teaching adults.
For citation
Chigintseva, O. N. The Model of the Process of Self-Realization of the Personality of Adult in the Artistic Activity / O. N. Chigintseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 54-60.