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Verbalization of the Image of Motherland as Perceived by Preschool Children
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Abstract: Formation of the image of Motherland in the growing generation is one of the urgent challenges of the process of social cognition. Each developmental age has its own specificity in the process (cognitive, emotional and behavioral) which is to be taken into account in planning the corresponding pedagogical activity. Verbalization that performs not only instrumental but also substantial (formative and developing) role in the preschool period occupies a special place in this process. The problem with verbalization of the image of Motherland in preschoolers consists in the fact that such an important for the child’s social development concept as Motherland fails to be associated with concrete notions and phenomena in the child’s surroundings. Hence, verbalization of the image of the Motherland should be carried out in specially created methodologically organized semiotically symbolic activity. The signs and symbols specifying, reinforcing and simultaneously expanding the children’s knowledge about the country where they live may include: folk toys, tales and stories, narrations about history, everyday life and culture of the Russians, meetings with interesting people from the closest microsociety, virtual trips to Russian cities, etc. The effectiveness of such work is directly related to special recommendations: need to specify an object or plot under study (decomposition and composition; from the concrete to the abstract); showing empathy for the subject and object of the learning process, orientation towards the accumulating effect of learning, integration of various kinds of activity (playing, communicative, visual-motor), enrichment of the preschoolers’ vocabulary, etc. The image of the Motherland associated with concrete and understandable events, people, stories, and places of interests is formed in the process of such thematic verbalization — focusing, constructing, and emotional and active, which makes up the foundation for the formation of a value-based attitude to one’s country.
Key words: Preschoolers; Motherland; image of Motherland; verbalization of images; functions of verbalization; patriotism; patriotic education.
For citation
Korotayeva, E. V. Verbalization of the Image of Motherland as Perceived by Preschool Children / E. V. Korotayeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 61-66.