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Domestic Experience of Youth Socialization: History and Modern Approaches
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Abstract: The article is devoted to retrospective points of view of various foreign scholars on the problem of socialization, and presents basic ideas of the conceptions of socialization. The paper outlines mechanisms of socialization, theories of psychoanalysis, social action and social systems, cognitive development, and an ecological theory. The article considers the content space of the concept of «socialization», provides specific examples of control of social behavior of students taking into account the experience of previous generations of foreign countries. Foreign developments in the theory of socialization in recent years present the process of socialization as an act of productive processing of external and internal reality. In recent years, socialization has been considered not only as the process of inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations through the acquisition of the necessary socio-typical and socially significant features (social adaptation), but also as the process of acquiring specific and unique properties of the individual (individualization). The process of socialization reflects the interaction between the individual and society, the result of which is the coordination of mutual requirements and expectations. It is extremely important to carry out the process of socialization in accordance with the existing socio-economic conditions. Uncritical copying of foreign experience of socialization can lead to negative results, since the material, economic and legal basis of education is weaker in our country. The urgency of the problem of socialization of young people in modern society is determined, on the one hand, by the peculiarities of social, spiritual and moral development of the state, globalization of all processes in the world and the individualization of the individual, and, on the other hand, by the devaluation of moral ideals in the public consciousness for a long time, the loss of many genuine value orientations by the young people, and the prevalence of pragmatic views.
Key words: Youth socialization; social evolution; activity-based approach; social-pedagogical approach; social and pedagogical victimology; upbringing systems; economic socialization; political socialization; social experience; developmental socialization; gifted teenagers; professional socialization.
For citation
Trubina, G. F. Domestic Experience of Youth Socialization: History and Modern Approaches / G. F. Trubina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 44-53 .