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Metasubject Component of the Content of Learning Text
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of formation of metasubject results of students urgent for the modern education system. It is proposed to solve the problem with the help of a universal tool — a learning text. The author analyzes the definition of the «learning text», draws attention to the terminological confusion and the practice of definition of the concept by researchers coming from different bases. To form students' metasubject educational results, it is important to create a common understanding of the learning text, typical of different academic school subjects. Therefore, as a result of the analysis of research on the problem, an attempt was made to systematize the approaches to define the «learning text». As a result, the following classification has been developed: philosophical, personal, structural, activity-based approaches. The metasubject understanding of the learning text is based on important personal and activity-based approaches. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the general functions of orientation of the learning text (object, value, and instrument) and the structure of metasubjectivity (the ability to organize activity, activity itself, techniques used in the activity). Based on the comparative data, it is concluded that the learning text has metasubject characteristics. The metasubject potential of the learning text consisting in its typological, species and functional diversity is also considered. The following meta-characteristics of the learning text can be noted: cultural orientation, dialogic nature, intertextuality, interdisciplinary character, multi-modality and multifunctionality. The result of this work is the definition of the learning text, formulated from the standpoint of the metasubject approach. Thus, on the theoretical level, it has been shown that learning texts make up a metasubject category and have a meta-subject component of content and are able to develop pupils ' metasubject educational outcomes. At the practical level, textbooks for the 5th grade in the Russian language and Biology were analyzed in order to determine the metasubject component of the learning text in them. It turns out that in the textbooks of the Russian language and Biology, the methodological apparatus for the formation of students’ metasubject educational results with the help of learning texts is presented very poorly. The contradiction between the theoretical requirements to the formation of students’ metasubject educational results through learning texts and the lack of practical opportunities to implement these requirements should be overcome in theory and practice of modern education.
Key words: Metasubject results; learning outcomes; learning results; academic texts; learning text; content of learning text; methods of teaching Russian; methods of teaching Biology.
For citation
Dmitrieva, S. V. Metasubject Component of the Content of Learning Text / S. V. Dmitrieva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 67-75.