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What Christmas Stories Teach: Jacques Prévert Translated by Mikhail Yasnov (Materials for Extracurricular Reading Lesson)
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Abstract: The article contains methodological recommendations for the organization of extracurricular activities in the 7th grade on works written in the genre of Christmas story. In the center of attention are two works: “The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey” by S. Wojciechowski and the piece by J. Prévert “Guignol” translated by M. Yasnov. The choice of works is determined by two opposing trends in the development of the genre of Christmas story: "elevated", serious and comic, and farcical. An excursion into the history of the genre of Christmas story makes it possible to note that in the Christmas crèche as a special kind of presentation, in addition to the sacral (celestial) sphere there is also the profane (earthly) sphere that depicts the lower world — hell. These spatial and axiological areas could be isolated, giving rise to varieties of Christmas story. In the book of Wojciechowski, the boy revives the soul of an adult who has lost interest in life after the death of his wife and a little child. Close relations between Mr. Toomey and the boy occurred when they were making wooden figures for Christmas. In the puppet interpretation of Prévert by Yasnov, absurdity and grotesque reign, there is no moral revival of the heroes, but this work “eliminate” the usual ethical stereotypes. The presented material will expand the students' cultural horizons; it will also show the importance of the works of both translator and illustrator.
Key words: Christmas story; nativity scene; cultural translation; extracurricular reading; extracurricular reading lessons; methods of teaching literature at school; foreign literature; 7 grade students; Christmas; Christmas tales.
For citation
Barkovskaya, N. V. What Christmas Stories Teach: Jacques Prévert Translated by Mikhail Yasnov (Materials for Extracurricular Reading Lesson) / N. V. Barkovskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 83-90 .