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Methods of Development of Fund of Attestation Tasks and Organization of Professionally-Oriented Competence Testing of Math Teachers in Preparation for the State Final Attestation
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Abstract: Within the framework of the existing competency paradigm of higher education in the implementation of basic professional educational programs, there is a certain difficulty in organizing the state final attestation (SFA). By virtue of the established traditions and professional orientation of the educational program, the content of the SFA is predominantly associated with the disciplines of the mastered profession, while the state educational standard, being the only normative requirements for learning outcomes, identifies generalized cultural (GCC), generalized professional (GPC) and professional (PC) competencies. The educational standard does not offer a solution to this serious contradiction, leaving it to the educational organizations. As part of the search for a solution to this contradiction, we have highlighted the approach, the essence of which is as follows: in the content of each specific competence we should choose an element in one of the components of the competence of the educational category (in our case, knowledge, skill, possession), which integrates with a task of subject content in the SFA. In preparing students for the SFA, the fund of attestation tasks (FAT) is used, which contains the whole range of elements of all competencies. To illustrate the implementation of the approach, the article presents fragments of certification materials for Bachelors of pedagogical education Program “44.03.01 — Pedagogical Education. Profile: Mathematics”. These materials were developed within the framework of the proposed approach, based on the approved SFA competency matrix (24 competencies of all three types: GCC, GPC and PC) and contain competencebased attestation tasks that formed the fund of attestation tasks (FAT). The last is focused on preparing students for the state final attestation in the concept of competency paradigm of higher education. In this case, the tasks proposed to students are arranged in the form of a test set. The proposed approach to preparing students for the SFA highlights the feasibility of the process by means of discussion with students of the results and content of test tasks in the form of an open professional discussion after checking each work and its final assessment. In the article we also present the results of approbation of the approach on groups of Bachelors of graduate and undergraduate courses.
Key words: Bachelor’s degree; pedagogical education; state final attestation; professional competences; integrated tasks; profession-focused education; fund of attestation tasks; test; testing system; testing; teacher’s training of math.
For citation
Bodryakov, V. Y. Methods of Development of Fund of Attestation Tasks and Organization of Professionally-Oriented Competence Testing of Math Teachers in Preparation for the State Final Attestation / V. Y. Bodryakov, I. N. Semenova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 123-132.