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Experience of Regional Identity: Reflection of Emotional State in Intercultural Text Production
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Abstract: On the basis of the texts connected with the phenomenon of regional identity, the article studies speech and text presentation of emotional state of natives speakers of Russian and Mongolian. The authors proceed from the view that the study of text forms of representation of the concept “regional identity” by native speakers of different languages can help to reveal national features of text production, to determine the style of learning a foreign language and to compare this style with the tasks given in textbooks of Russian as a foreign language. Analysis of the texts written by Russian and Mongolian authors allowed to get the information determined by different personal states. Emotemes – “linguistically represented signals of emotions” [Bolotnova 1999] – were used as the units for analysis. The repertoire of emotemes in the texts by Russian authors reflects the wide range of positive feelings of love to the place of residence, happiness, joyfulness, merriment, delight, excitement, carefreeness and good mood, enjoyment, surprise, satisfaction, inspiration, confidence, determination, interest and nostalgia. Besides, there are words expressing negative states: melancholy, grief, offence, disillusionment, fear, anxiety, despair, rage, anger, resentment, insult, and disappointment; however, the number of positive emotemes dominates the negative ones considerably. The repertoire of emotemes in the texts by Mongolian authors is quite narrow and reflects only the positive feelings of joy, delight, merriment and interest. To substitute the words reflecting emotional state, Mongolian authors use subjective evaluations (I like/ I don’t like), or evaluation of the events (an act or a fact). Worthy of note is the fact that in the texts by Mongolian authors there were no representatives of mixed emotions. At the same time, comparative analysis of texts (by Russian and Mongolian authors) revealed that in the texts written by Russian authors there is “a combination of consciously or unconsciously perceived emotions”, which is proved by the number of emotemes and their quality. In the texts by Mongolian authors there is a sequence of events, description of participants and their actions and just a few emotions of the author. The following conclusion was made – emotional style of writing and learning is typical of the Russian authors, while mixed (rational and logical with some elements of emotions) is characteristic of Mongolian authors. This difference should be taken into account when developing teaching guides in Russian as a foreign language for Mongolian students. Thus, we believe that it is necessary to work out special methods of teaching, taking into account the difference in the national stereotypes of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the difference in cultural thesaurus of people of different nationalities and the peculiarities of their mentality and psychology.
Key words: Regional identity; intercultural communication; text production; expressiveness; emotional state; emoteme.
For citation
Maksimova, L. A. Experience of Regional Identity: Reflection of Emotional State in Intercultural Text Production / L. A. Maksimova, T. V. Valieva, N. B. Ruzhentseva, R. A. Valiev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №4. – P. 28-36.