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Training Physics Teachers to Organize and Carry Out Research Work
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Abstract: Introduction of new educational standards of school led to the necessity to revise the content and process of teachers’ training in connection with the new requirements for the results of the learning process and, as a consequence, the introduction of new competencies of a teacher, including the competence to organise and support research and project activities. The article describes the content and process future Physics teachers’ training at Master’s degree level in the field of planning and organization of educational and research activities. The content of the training of future teachers of Physics in planning and organization of educational and research activities for each component of the skills is related to the list of subjects that are taught in Magistracy. The process of training of future teachers is based on the principle proposed by V.V. Krayevski, involving the gradual transition from theoretical modelling to planning the learning process. The main importance is given to the subject «Organization of Research Work of Students», in which future teachers learn the algorithm to plan teaching and research work in Physics, both in class and in extracurricular forms. After they study the subject, the students must defend the educational project-research at three levels: in the system of lessons; in after-class activities (electives, physical or technical clubs); in individual research projects. Development of readiness to organize educational and research activities takes place in the period of practice where projects are implemented while conducting lessons, extracurricular classes and supervision of a student’s individual research. The experts’ assessment of readiness of future Physics teachers to academic research activity (on the basis of tasks accomplishment aimed at modeling professional activity and project development), organization and support of academic research activity (on the basis of the lessons, extracurricular activities and individual research projects of pupils) proves effectiveness of the proposed system and its correspondence to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Key words: Academic research work; teachers’ training; Physics teachers; methods of teaching Physics at school.
For citation
Lebedeva, O. V. Training Physics Teachers to Organize and Carry Out Research Work / O. V. Lebedeva, I. V. Grebenev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №5. – P. 98-104 .