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International Scientific-Practical Conference in Foreign Languages as a Way to Form a Model of Students' Cognitive Activity
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of organizing and holding international student scientific-practical conferences in foreign languages in higher education. In this context, the authors are interested in the close connection of scientific and practical conferences with the research work of trainees as a way of obtaining scientifically grounded knowledge. Special emphasis is placed on teaching a professional foreign language in the field of training non-linguistic faculties. The focus is on the application of a competence-based approach, the successful implementation of which is facilitated by active methods of teaching foreign languages in the form of debates, discussions, conferences, etc. The authors analyze the experience of organizing and conducting scientific and practical conferences in foreign languages and identify a number of difficulties faced by trainees in the writing and presenting scientific articles. In this regard, in order to eliminate these difficulties, the authors suggest some ways of eliminating them. The article examines the factors contributing to the success of the scientific presentation. In this connection, the authors highlight specific steps for the successful presentation of the reports by trainees. It is stressed that student conferences on the subject of the specialty in a foreign language contribute to the process of preparation and presentation of the report mastering the learners’ oral speech in the target language, improving their listening and academic writing skills. Moreover, this form of modeling scientific communication plays an invaluable role in the process of activation of creative cognitive initiative of students in the field of their future professional activity, contributes to the development of their intercultural competence, as well as forms a positive attitude and motivation to further study and development of various aspects of a foreign language.
Key words: Scientific-practical conference; research work; foreign language communicative competence; scientific discussion on professional subjects in a foreign language; competence approach; independent extracurricular work; motivation; professionally-oriented material; intercultural competence; cognitive activity.
For citation
Pokhodzey, G. V. International Scientific-Practical Conference in Foreign Languages as a Way to Form a Model of Students' Cognitive Activity / G. V. Pokhodzey, V. V. Guzikova, L. E. Zelenina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 111-118.