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The Development of Critical Thinking of Bachelor Students with the Use of Information Technology
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Abstract: The article deals with the development of critical thinking of Bachelor students studying in a pedagogical university. In the technology of development of critical thinking a significant place is given to the visual forms of organization of educational material, which is proposed to be implemented using information technology (including web 2.0) as a lecture, and practical and laboratory classes with the use of computer modeling. Students are invited to use information technology for analysis, interpretation of the information studied and provide an opinion on the proposed situation. The experience of presentation of educational material on the basis of digital content is analyzed. The directions for creating a link between a critical understanding of theoretical information and the results of practical activities, independent formulation of conclusions based on the knowledge and skills are offered. It is shown that as a result of this training the students are aware of the logic of search for new knowledge through a critical attitude to information, including theoretical information, and practical activities related to it. It is also important that they feel the main actors in the classroom and enjoy the process of research. The presented organization of training of students is justified by the results of research of psychologists in the field of development of critical thinking in students, the experience of teachers from different countries using information technology.
Key words: Critical thinking; Information Technology; bachelor's degree; computer models; clip-on thinking.
For citation
Koshcheeva, E. S. The Development of Critical Thinking of Bachelor Students with the Use of Information Technology / E. S. Koshcheeva, E. P. Matveeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 79-87.