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The System of Life Meanings of Students of Different Nationalities in Multicultural Educational Environment
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Abstract: Тhe article studies the features of the system of life meanings and life orientations of students of different nationalities in the conditions of multicultural educational space. Under the multicultural space we understand social and cultural environment, reflecting the specific characteristics of emotional and cognitive, mental, value and meaningful features of people of different nationalities, participating in the process of interaction and intercultural communication. One of the fundamental components is the system of life meanings, which is associated with the concepts of goals, values, time perspective and determines the overall activity and direction of a person. As a result of the analysis, the prevailing components of the system of life meanings, life orientations and time perspective of students of three groups were established: "Goals"; less expressed components: "Locus of I-control", "Result", "Fatalistic present", "Negative past". The paper shows that the Chinese group of students differs in many value categories from the Russian and Polish groups of students. Russian and Polish groups of students are the closest in their value preferences, which is due to similar cultural and historical aspects. The group of Chinese students has the category of hedonistic values that belongs to the category of leading life meanings. The Russian group of students has the values of self-realization. The Polish group of students has communicative values. In the process of expressing of cultural meanings, the vector of meaning-forming activity of the Chinese group of students is "focus on understanding life" (in all its manifestations); for the Russian group of students it is the "focus on themselves"; for the Polish group of students it is the "focus on the world".
Key words: Multicultural educational space; system of vital meanings; models of meaning-creating activity: students.
For citation
Melnikova, M. L. The System of Life Meanings of Students of Different Nationalities in Multicultural Educational Environment / M. L. Melnikova, D. A. Filinkov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 65-71.