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Peculiarities of Emotional and Personal Well-Being of Teachers
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Abstract: The article substantiates the need to study emotional and personal well-being of a teacher. Under the emotional and personal well-being, the authors understand the current holistic existential experience of the state of harmony between the inner and outer worlds, arising in the process of life, activity and communication of a person. Emotional and personal well-being is proposed to be studied using the author's technique SELB (self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being). Among the psychological predictors of emotional and personal well-being/ill-being we find adaptive capabilities, professional burnout and attributive style. Socio-demographic characteristics, considered as predictors of emotional and personal well-being of teachers, such as gender, age and education, showed that female-teachers evaluate their emotional and personal well-being significantly higher, compared to the male-teachers. There is a tendency of decrease of emotional and personal well-being of teachers with age. Emotional and personal well-being of young teachers (under 30 years old) appeared to be more positive, compared to those of older age groups. Another socio-demographic predictor of emotional and personal well-being is education: teachers with incomplete higher education and complete higher education evaluate their emotional and personal well-being higher. The interrelation of emotional and personal well-being of teachers with their adaptive capabilities is established. The revealed interrelations of parameters of professional burnout of teachers with indicators of the technique of SELB testify that it is the significant predictor of emotional and personal trouble. The relationship between emotional and personal well-being with an optimistic or pessimistic style of attribution requires further investigation.
Key words: Emotional and personal well-being; emotional state; pedagogical psychology; educational psychology; socio-demographic factors; professional burnout, attributive style; teachers.
For citation
Karapetyan, L. V. Peculiarities of Emotional and Personal Well-Being of Teachers / L. V. Karapetyan, G. A. Glotova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 44-51.