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Intellectual Potential of Contemporary Man: Structure and Ways of Formation
- Hits: 319
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Abstract: The article considers the intellectual potential as a complex category of social humanitarian knowledge. The author determines the peculiarities and basic components of the intellectual potential of a person in an information-oriented society. Special attention is paid to cognitive and value-motivational components. The system of general education, additional education and self-education are considered to be the ways and means of their formation.
Key words: Intellectual potential; «current modernity»; man in an information-oriented society; cognitive mobility; verbal intellect; culture of thinking; values; continuity of education; self-education.
For citation
Bukhartseva, N. G. Intellectual Potential of Contemporary Man: Structure and Ways of Formation / N. G. Bukhartseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №11. – P. 30-35.