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Independent Work of Linguistic Higher School Students in Auditing Authentic Information Broadcasts
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Abstract: The article describes current research in the area of independent work of students in its various aspects. It reveals the essence of the concepts of "independent activity of students" and "self-learning activity." and gives the characteristic features of organization of independent work of students of natural faculties of a University. The author presents the main features of learning independence in work. It is assumed that modern higher education institutions need to improve the quality of training of independent activity upon which the success of future professional self-development of students finally depends. The article highlights the necessity to strengthen the role of independent activity of students, to revise the approaches to the organization and its formation in the educational process of the university, to develop the ability to learn, the ability to manage self-development, self-education, creative application of the knowledge gained in the process of self-realization and adaptation to professional activity in the modern world. The article substantiates the role of independent work of students of a linguistic higher school in teaching auditing authentic information broadcasts. In the theory of methods of teaching auditing, self-learning extracurricular work of students represents the final stage in the development of the organizational skills of listening comprehension of authentic broadcasts of information genres, which involves extracurricular independent work of students of a linguistic higher school by a series of exercises, presented in a separate practical auditing students’ book.
Key words: Independent work; listening; authentic information broadcasts; integrative approach; methods of auditive skills development.
For citation
Kolesova, E. M. Independent Work of Linguistic Higher School Students in Auditing Authentic Information Broadcasts / E. M. Kolesova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 46-49.