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Problems of Modern Educational Environment: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of "Security"
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Abstract: The article deals with the problems of modern educational environment of Russia in the context of the influence that it has on the prevailing social attitudes towards security awareness. It describes the contextual basis for the formation of the existing concept of "security". The article contains the definition of "security" and presents the findings of its current characteristics identified as a result of social and philosophical analysis. The authors have marked such characteristics as the focus on a wide range of values; conservative nature; preservation of the established order; static character and a claim for universality. On the basis of classical and contemporary philosophical approaches to the interpretation of security, the article describes the generalized correlation of the properties of the leading concept with the current state of society, makes a conclusion about the discrepancy between the concept of its practical application to the activities of the society and, in particular, to the organization of education. The authors specify the difficulties arising from the modern concept of security influencing the success of the educational environment. The article also reveals the contradictions between the pressing educational needs in the creation of favorable conditions for the development of academic subjects, and the countenance of the society and the challenges facing education in the modern world. The ways of overcoming the crisis by revising the educational environment determine its safety aspects. The authors propose concrete recommendations on the practical replacement of technological forms of external control by the forms oriented to the development of adaptability, mobility and reflexivity of the participants of the educational environment.
Key words: Security; educational environment; socio-philosophical analysis of security; subjects of education; education crisis.
For citation
Azarenko, S. A. Problems of Modern Educational Environment: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of "Security" / S. A. Azarenko, I. A. Simonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 241-246.