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USPU – Leader in Implementation of the Main Lines of State Policy in the Sphere of Patriotic Education
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Abstract: A system of civil and patriotic education has been created at USPU; not less than 300 events and 10 ongoing patriotic youth projects have been carried out. Consolidation of experience and permanent innovation in the patriotic education and upbringing of the younger generation allows the University not only to preserve the tradition, but also to create a massive network of patriotic projects that can engage the youth throughout the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Kurilsk. The University was granted the status of the basic innovative launch pad on the topic “Civil-patriotic Education of Students”. The work of the launch pad is carried out along three lines: 1) pedagogical line – conduct of work with students of Russian education institutions in civil-patriotic education; intensification of faculty activity in organization and conduct of events of patriotic character; 2) organization line – implementation and improvement of the system of work with students in the field of civil-patriotic education; 3) methods line – creation of methods recommendation on organization in educational institutions of the system of civil-patriotic education of Russian students, conduct of round-table discussions, conferences, forums and other events in patriotic education. In 2014 USPU became winner of the All-Russian contest of programs of development of activity of student unions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the nomination “Patriotism and Tolerance”. The student search team of USPU “Stix” is a member of the Association of Search Teams of Sverdlovsk Region “Vozvrashchenie (Return)”.
Key words: USPU, patriotic education, living history, youth projects and forums.
For citation
Sereda, V. A. USPU – Leader in Implementation of the Main Lines of State Policy in the Sphere of Patriotic Education / V. A. Sereda, S. Y. Borovikov, I. A. Popp, S. S. Belousova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 215-219.