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Robotics as an Object of Study in the Course of Physics in Secondary School
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Abstract: The article discusses the innovative trends of modern tehnosphere. Robotic systems are considered as its important components. An increase in the rate of introduction of robotics in various spheres of social life is marked. This leads to global changes in modern infrastructure and significantly affects the way people live. To human existence in a robotic environment demands a new level of technical culture. Knowledge of robotics basics becomes in this regard the one of the basic elements of education. The problem of secondary school students preparation content in the field of robotics is discussed. The main factors that determine its solution are identified. The importance of developing a comprehensive educational program that takes into account the possibility of different subjects in the study of the foundations of robotics is emphasized. The features of the robotics study in a physics course are considered. The aims of study are formulated and key issues of the curriculum are identified. Tier structure of cybernetic model of the robot is revealed. This allowed the author to define the main topics of the physics course for the study of robotic systems. The connection of educational aims of each topic with the study of the elemental base of robots is discussed. The methods of study are considered. Examples of their use in the educational process are given.
Key words: Robotics, technical culture, physics education, educational robotics.
For citation
Yershov, M. G. Robotics as an Object of Study in the Course of Physics in Secondary School / M. G. Yershov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 116-124 .